Best Homeschool Creative Writing Curriculum

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The Best Homeschool Writing Curriculum For The High School Years

The sounds of silence. That's what I heard as I waited for my oldest to complete her writing assignment. With each minute passing, I bit my tongue from speaking. As I think to myself, "Geeze, this isn't that hard." I can't wait any longer, and I blurt out abrasively, "Are you done yet?". I just wanted to eat lunch. Wait, I needed to eat lunch. But instead, I found myself aggravated at how long it took my daughter to complete a simple writing assignment.

Despite all I know about learning styles and homeschooling from a place of rest, I still became frustrated with my student. It shouldn't take this long, was my initial thought. But the real problem was that she hadn't even begun to write. This is also the moment the mommy guilt sets in. I bet you know what I mean.

Please don't get me wrong; my daughter is a creative genius. She is brilliant and skilled. She is proficient in many areas that I am not. She can sew, bake, paint, draw, and a million other crazy impressive things. But, this daughter of a writer; despised writing.

My daughter could freeze up and stare at a blank page for what seemed like an eternity to me. If you have ever experienced waiting for a student who hates to write, it's painful to watch them try to complete a writing assignment. You want to help, but you can't force them to love writing if they don't.

At this point, you both want the lesson to be over. Have you ever felt like this?

Homeschool Writing Curriculum for High School

The Reality Is Your High School Student Needs To Understand Writing

But the reality is that by the time your student reaches high school, they need to grasp the basics of writing. A better win would be that they can learn to enjoy writing, maybe even write well. But, they need the right tools to get there.

After trying multiple homeschool writing curriculum options, it was genuinely refreshing to find WriteShop.

WriteShop is the answer to building the strong writing foundation that every high school student needs, homeschooled or not.

I realized early on that my daughter was more of an auditory and visual learner, but with most homeschool writing curriculum, the visuals and audio are boring. WriteShop I stood out to me because they offer concise videos with creative visuals, that easily keep my daughter's attention. We chose the WriteShop I full starter kit with the video course set, and you can take a peek at it here.

One particular popular writing curriculum we tried years and years ago, everyone raved about. We thought because there were videos and teacher training included, this was going to solve our writing struggles. They offered videos, but the videos would put me to sleep. My daughter was bored to tears! Not all writing curriculum is created equal, no matter what the promises are.

I firmly believe that your child can enjoy what they are learning with the right resources, even if they don't "like" that subject. Why not make it as painless as possible for them, even enjoyable if we can.

WriteShop can help you do that! My daughter can write with the best of them now. Once she took on some creative assignments that she found challenging and fun, she excelled far beyond what I expected. She won't admit it to me, but I suspect that she might even enjoy writing now. Circumstances have certainly changed for us over time.


Reasons Why We Love WriteShop Homeschool Writing Curriculum For The High School Years

Resources for the Teacher

Even though many homeschool writing curriculum competitors include teacher guides and manuals, many of them are stiff and even confusing. The Teacher's Manual from WriteShop is straightforward. It is easy to follow and helps you become an encourager versus a red-pen crazed criticizer. Not that any of us have ever been that lady! Wink.

I found the teacher's manual a fantastic resource for editing and evaluating. WriteShop reminds us as parents to help our students look for topics and word choices that glorify the Lord. I love little reminders like that! We are helping our children to understand that God cares about what you choose to write and how.

If you struggle with positive phrases to encourage your writer, WriteShop has pages of positive comments you can use! The perfectionist in me struggles at times to remember that a gentle tongue is a tree of life. So this also stuck out to me as a massive help for the teacher.

Overall, the teacher's manual is full of excellent information that is simplistic and easy to implement. I think you will instantly see the difference in their approach to helping you teach, as I did. WriteShop cares about your children succeeding when it comes to writing, and a considerable part of that is teaching us as parents on how to be a positive writing coach.

Simplicity for the Students

WriteShop is in tune with teens! I honestly feel like they "get it" when it comes to not overcomplicating the writing process and keeping your kids from wanting to snooze right through the lessons.

Seriously, they realize that our children are better engaged when the lessons are simple yet effective. Many of us have teens that don't mind learning as long as there is an end in sight. They like to know exactly what is expected of them. WriteShop lessons are informative and to the point.

The lessons are anything but boring; they use creative assignments that even the most hesitant students can get excited about. My daughter is a hands-on kind of girl, so pre-writing activities helped her become more enthusiastic too. I think WriteShop has some innovative teaching ideas when it comes to writing.

Homeschool Writing Curriculum

For example, here is one of the pre-writing activities before the first-person point of view lesson from WriteShop I. You set up a mock car accident. You can use matchbox cars or toys to create a simulated car accident. Use roadways, trees, and traffic signs. (So fun, right?!) Then, you can interview your children as witnesses. You can discuss points of view and perception. I think when you add elements like these into learning, this is where you spark inspiration and enthusiasm. That's precisely is what education at home is all about.

I highly recommend adding the video course into your shopping cart too. Any lesson or writing concept that you might struggle explaining well to your teen – WriteShop covers clearly — that way there is no guesswork for you or your student.


It's possible you may even be in a position where your teen's knowledge of writing and grammar basics aren't at a high school level. With WriteShop I – you begin solidifying those skills. Whether your child needs a refresher on grammar and writing skills or if they lack the necessary skills for high school, the curriculum will have your child fully confident in the writing and editing process by completion. WriteShop's curriculum is incremental, so it will gradually increase in difficulty.

WriteShop I is perfect for students 7th-10th grade. It is incredibly flexible too. You can choose to work at your own pace, and the WriteShop I can be completed in about one year. The lessons are structured to take about two weeks to complete each one.


WriteShop Homeschool Writing Curriculum Resources For You Today

I encourage you to take advantage of all the resources that WriteShop has to offer. I believe you will enjoy them just as much as we have. There is never a better time than now to choose to use a curriculum that can ease your load and change the atmosphere of your homeschool. WriteShop is committed to seeing your children succeed when it comes to writing; they have fantastic free resources to help you get started.

They offer a placement quiz to help you ensure that you choose the homeschool writing curriculum that is right for where your child is at today.

WriteShop is also confident that they offer the best homeschool writing curriculum; they provide free samples!

Homeschool Writing Curriculum



Best Homeschool Creative Writing Curriculum


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